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Restaurant Manager Job Description

Do you have what it takes to succeed in a fast-paced restaurant manager job?

Restaurant manager jobs are fast-moving and diverse—a great combination for people with business sense and boundless energy. Restaurant managers provide more than business-savvy and administrative skills. They're the leaders, peace-keepers, public relations experts and quality control specialists who keep restaurants profitable and running smoothly.

Restaurant Manager Job Duties

Your restaurant manager job description could include any of the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Managing customer relations
  • Working with the executive chef to determine menu items and pricing
  • Dealing with staffing issues, including work schedules
  • Motivating, managing, and training employees
  • Ordering supplies
  • Marketing
  • Creating and maintaining a budget
  • Filling in for the wait staff or kitchen staff when the restaurant is short-handed
  • Keeping the restaurant in compliance with health codes, etc.

Essential Skills for Restaurant Managers

Social Intelligence – In restaurant management jobs, working with employees and customers has the potential to be one of the most rewarding—and challenging—parts of your daily life. Whether you're delegating work to employees, appeasing difficult customers or representing your restaurant to the public, you'll need to be able to communicate well with others to accomplish your goals.

Organizational Skills – A restaurant has a lot of moving parts. Coordinating everything so that it runs like a well-oiled machine will take attention to detail and a commitment to organization.

Decision-Making Ability – As the restaurant manager you'll need to make a lot of decisions. Because the restaurant industry is so fast-paced, you'll need to be able to think on your feet and make quick, practical decisions. You'll also need to think strategically and make long-term business decisions based on data analysis and market knowledge.

Business Sense – You'll need to perform the everyday administrative tasks to keep the business running in the midst of all your other duties. Any business experience and training you have will help you succeed in restaurant management jobs.


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